How to run Unreal Engine project on an iOS device using automatic signing

Any app running on an iOS device needs to be signed by a developer with a valid certificate from Apple. Code signing is a mechanism that confirms the author of the code and ensures that the code hasn’t been altered or corrupted since it was signed. To upload your app to the App Store or to test it within your company, you need an active Apple Developer Program membership.

If you want to run your Unreal Engine project on your iOS device and you aren’t a member of the Apple Developer Program yet, you still can do it with help of Xcode automatic signing feature! In this post, I will guide you through the process of creating of certificate and setting up the Unreal Engine project.

Firstly, connect your device and create an iOS app project.

Xcode new project popup

Set bundle identifier to the desired value.

New project options popup

Select your device in the toolbar, then select your project and target and open the “Signing & Capabilities” tab. Then set the “Automatically manage signing” checkbox, select “Personal team” as a Team, and check that the bundle identifier matches what you have set earlier. At this point, Xcode may ask you to log in with your Apple ID.

Signing & Capabilities settings

Xcode will generate a short-living provisioning profile with your device added to it and a development certificate. Provisioning profiles are stored in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles. Navigate there and find the newly generated profile. Write down team identifier — 10 symbols alphanumeric ID — as you will need it later.

Provisioning profile details

Your new development certificate is already in Keychain Access.

Keychain Access with certificate selected

Now launch Unreal Editor and navigate to Platforms→iOS in Project settings. Set the “Automatic Signing” checkbox, fill your team identifier in the “IOS Team ID” textbox, and disable “Remote notifications support” as automatically generated provisioning profiles don’t support this capability

Unreal Engine Project settings window

Now you can package your project and run it on the device. Congratulations!

Unreal Engine package for iOS command